Friday, March 13, 2020

The Written Constitution essays

The Written Constitution essays The most important principle on which the founding of the American republic was based on is the written constitution. With the Constitution the elite society protected rights for every American that would secure and ensure our nations existence for hundreds of years. Our first form of government were the Articles of Confederation. Under the Articles of Confederation, the united states government was in a state of chaos. The Articles created a weak, almost nonexistent national government that was in complete control by the states. This newly formed government had neither executive or judicial branches, which meant that it lacked enforcement powers. There were three problems that existed under the Articles of Confederation that would spawn an act of change. First, the government could not protect property and other rights of the citizens. Second, the society created under the Articles of Confederation lacked a means of advancing commerce and interstate trade. Third, governmen t lacked the money and power to provide an adequate national defense. The decision to create a new system of government was in the best interest of all the people in America. In creating the Constitution there were many conflicting views of how the newly created government should function. Alexander Hamilton, wanted a strong central government in which a Senate and executive powers were chosen for life by indirect election, therefore creating an aristocracy. George Washington and Benjamin Franklin wanted a government based on separation of powers, and limited national authority. There were two plans proposed during the debates. One was the Virginia Plan, proposed by Edmund Randolph, the governor of Virginia. This plan would favor the large states, and would have a two house legislature. The lower house would be chosen by the American people, and the upper house would be elected by the by the lower house. The nominees would b e chosen by th...